Keeping Your Dog Healthy and Safe One Mile at a Time!
"Trucking with Mans Best Friend is inspired by my "Late" Best Friend, Chelsea; our wonderful years of travels together and some of the challenges that we faced in ensuring her good health, safety, and overall well-being while rolling across Beautiful Canada and our Nations Highways and Scenic National By-ways.
Chelsea Lived Long and Strong for a Gracious 14 Young Years. She taught me how to enjoy the road and make it much more than a JOB! More importantly, she taught me how to have patience with four wheelers!
When traffic got nuts, and mother nature dealt it in spades, she kept the peace!
From time to time, Chelsea, like us all had her aches and pains. She sometimes got into situations that needed my help and vice versa.
And, like all good kids - she needed first attending to and taught me how to be a better dog owner having her alongside me for so many beautiful miles. Chelsea has gone now to join her Fellow Tail Mates (and perhaps one of Yours), at RainbowBridge. She will be missed greatly.
"Whisper" is my new Co-Pilot and CEO and Founder of this site! Her mission will never be to replace "Chelsea." However, I eagerly look forward to Whisper doing her part as Chelsea did on "Keeping It Real" while I continue down the highway..,
This site is an Effort of Heart to Assist our Fellow Truck Drivers, RVer's and Vacationers alike in Protecting and Keeping their Furry Friends Safe and Healthy while Chasing their Next Mile!